18 May 2009

Lord of the Manor

I am an apartment dweller. It is in an apartment that I do my dwelling.

Where people live has always been viewed as very important for good reason. Our homes are our sanctuaries, our places where we keep the things that are important to us, our territories where we are the lord and master. There were several things going through my mind when I decided to live in an apartment rather than a house (yep, the $$$ were a factor) and I must say that the longer I have been an apartmentaphile the more I have appreciated the benefits that this type of abode has over a house.

Honestly, why does anyone NEED to live in a house? Mowing grass, fixing leaking roofs, painting gutters. No thanks. Oh yes, there will be those that say apartments have no sense of community, but what's so community minded about fencing off your property and getting narkey when someone you don't know dares set foot inside the boundary. I love the fact that the people I share my building with keep to themselves. It's great to have a brief chat while in the elevator or at the mailboxes, but otherwise I would rather they didn't try to make themselves an integral part of my life. It's nice to have a choice who you want to spend your time with rather than some pain in the arse who keeps looking through their curtains to see who may be visiting your home.

Security is ofcourse an important factor in anyone's home, and apartments are usually better here as well. My building has security swipes, camera's, and being up on the third floor you would need to be spiderman to gain entrance in any non-conventional way. It is a nice feeling that I can leave my home in the morning and be confident that it will be intact on my return. Many houses here in Sydney seem to have rather vulgar bars across their windows and doors, uhm which is a pretty similar setup to a prison maybe?

Did I mention the environmental benefits of being an apartment dweller. No, I didn't because I'm not completely full of shit, but suffice it to say I may be greener than some.

Todays shout out goes to my fellow apartment dwellers. I'll see you in the lift.

Todays shout down goes to the "Australian Dream". It's a con.

"Heart Headquarters", by Dan the VespaMan.

I keep thinking
My home is a wonderful place,
It is neat and tidy
It keeps a smile on my face.

I don't need a house
A grotesque palace,
Because I've got what I need
This home is my chalice.

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