11 October 2009

Laugh, Fall Off Couch, Repeat

Documentary films have been a favourite of mine for a while now. I like to think it is because they open up interesting subjects for study and interpretation that spark my intellect to question and develop in order to become a more rounded and interesting person. Ofcourse, the truth is more that I'm a lazy git who can't be arsed to check these things out personally and it's just so much easier to watch others do it instead. Yet another of my masks falls to the floor!

Anyhoo, this leads me unsurprisingly into this trifling ramble about the latest documentary I've just seen entitled, "A Complete History of My Sexual Failures" by independant filmmaker Chris Waitt.

The film concerns itself with the shambles of a love life so far conducted by Waitt, as he attempts to find the reasons for his failure to lead a fruitful relationship with several past girlfriends. Waitt himself presents as an eerily accurate facsimile of Kurt Cobain albeit a little more hairy and a little less deceased, but just barely. He is the type of fellow who feels that most problems in life should be dealt with by sitting under a warm blanket on the lounge with a cup of tea and a confused look. You couldn't help but want him as a mate, but you wouldn't feel confident lending him anything you valued.

Besides Waitt and his procession of ex-girlfriends who deserve every sympathy, the other star of the film is his Mum who stands steadfast by her wayward son while providing "motherly" advice that is frankly priceless. A fine example of how sometimes no matter how old and seemingly wise a son thinks he is, his Mum still is able to see through his shit and tell him so. Whilst most of the other ladies in the film have taken the sensible option of persuing their lives without Waitt's involvement, his Mum makes every effort to assist with the successful completion of his film even though she doesn't much approve of it.

What is obvious is that the film is not a pure documentary. Many of the scenes would have been impossible to capture without pre-planning and scene setting and so it does divert here and there into the genre of mocumentary. This however doesn't detract from the fact that it is "fall off the couch, tears down the face in fits of hilarity" level funny. Laugh? Yep, much!

A word of warning, there is frontal nudity of male genitalia. I decided not to include it as the graphic pic included with this blog entry because that would be kind of weird. Huh? Well, I think it would be so there.


  1. Yes, we should leave the frontal nudity to Nurse Myra and her art collection on the 'Gimcrack Hospital' blog. There is certainly enough nudity floating about online without adding to the smutter-clutter! The film sounds interesting but I am still in the midst of my Bollywood phase. Thanks for previewing the film nonetheless. What's next?

  2. Agreed. I shall leave the perverted arts to those who know how to present the subject properly.

    See the film if you are curious about how the young male mind works. Some may say that's reason enough not to see it. Perhaps it should be classified as an educational film and distributed to schools.

    Not sure what's next. Perhaps I will write a very silly short story and then review it myself. Great idea, thanks Mitzi.
