09 April 2010

The Cost of Taking Care of Business

In a brief intermission, as the second part of my previous post is still bubbling away in my mind and not yet "al dente", I take a moment to reflect upon the completion of another working week.

Successful completion of an act of bastardry was concluded, to go along with all the others that it seems I have a perverted talent for. Without hesitation I managed to make a decision favouring a commercially lucrative outcome over one with a more humanitarian focus on behalf of my employer. As a result, the following questions now add to my bubbling mind:

- Why did I not feel any guilt?
- When did I get so good at being an asshole when required?
- How did I summon the attitude to admonish the person who attempted to champion the pro-humanitarian outcome?

I've realised long ago that what I do will never save humankind. It is simply an exercise in making money. I've accepted this fact and refuse to whinge about it being soul destroying. The fact is, I live a very simple kind of life and I work in a very simple kind of style. I don't deliberate excessively over things and I choose to limit time with committee's of all sorts. A situation arises that requires a decision, I make the best one I can, then I move on. The wreckage caused by many a decision lays scattered in my wake, but that is becoming expected now. Experience tells me that it is impossble to make a decision everyone will appreciate, so don't try to.

And through all this, I still sleep soundly at night...... why?


  1. It is surprisingly satisfying to be a well-functioning part of the machine. The employees whose lives have been changed will probably end up working for Greenpeace and orphans in Cambodia so you never really now the ultimate positive results of decisions made in cold blooded efficiency.

  2. That's a wonderfully positive consideration. However, my cynical mind struggles with it.
