04 March 2010

M&D and Me

I don't know about your's, but my parents are very odd creatures. I refer to them under the title "M&D" as they have practically ceased being individual entities and are now just one human conglomerate.

A recently concluded visit by M&D has as usual resulted in me getting a case of the guilts. They spent a few days here and unfortunately my accommodations being a one bedroom apartment are inadequate to provide shelter for three adults. A few nights on an inflatable mattress that tried to consume me before developing a slow leak that rendered it useless had me in poor spirits and the desire to see them leave so I could reclaim my living space was strong. However, as soon as they left I started to miss them again and realise what a miserable shit I am. Peculiarly, even through all this they seem to continue to like me. Very odd behaviour!

The above aside, their visit was excitingly productive. They suddenly have discovered themselves in a quandry, whereby their current abode is a largish family home without a family in residence, and the local area has become infested with professional working families who have little time for elderly friendly community spirit due to the never ending struggle to meet outrageous mortgage payments. The result is M&D, retired and relying on a fortnightly phone call from myself and sister to provide a spark of excitement in lives that have become a little stale. Realising this, they have endeavoured to seek a change and failing to find one locally in A-Town, have cast their gaze across the border in a more Sin City direction. I escorted them the other day to the stunning locale that resides a train ride north of SC to view abodes catering for just such folk. To say I was stunned was an understatement. Beautiful living spaces, great facilities, prices that snub their noses at Sin Cities stupid real estate debacle, and communities that perhaps are slightly more in touch with the things that matter. I've never wished I was 55 years old so much in my life.

M&D were visibly excited. The possibilities of reconnecting with a fulfilling lifestyle were plain to see and they basked in it. M can be difficult to impress at times. Basically until I announce suitable arrangements are underway for the production of her grandchildren, she will probably view everything else I do a waste of time. But even she was taken by the prospect of heated swimming pools, craft rooms, and new friends aplenty.

I don't know if they will jump at this opportunity. Naturally cautious people, much deliberation and a substantial exercise of "going over the figures" by D will have to be exercised. But it would be cool to see them a little more often, without having to sacrifice my homespace for the pleasure. Just call me a selfish swine!


  1. As cautious and strange as my parents can me, mine also continue to love and support despite things I do that may not make sense to them. For that I am eternally grateful. And similarly, I enjoy the rare chance to introduce them to something new they can dig or enjoy. It’s never resulted in a new residence, as it could in your case. When they moved across the state, it sucked. I never realized how much I enjoyed them being close to me.

  2. My 'Parental Unit' also are fused, although conversation subjects vary according to maternal or paternal expertise (Dad - property, common law, sport; Mum - cooking, criminal law, history; neither - my crap budgeting.) Lovely to hear M & D were wowed by the sparkly waters of the northward coast. You could consider getting a foldout, a trundle-whatsit, or some nearby friends with spare rooms. As one also inclined to viewing non grandchild-producing activities as piffle, M & D have my support, but i'll see their 'producing' and raise them a 'raising'.

  3. Gropius... Agreed, but interestingly I would like them close by, but not too close by if you know what I mean.

    Mitzi... Rumour has it that when my sister announced that she was "knocked up", M was observed jumping up and down in fits of delight. A simultaneous announcement of world peace, a solution to global warming, and free Tom Jones concerts for all pensioners would elicit merely a nod of vague interest in comparison.

  4. what a lovely son you must be, accompanying parents on their search for a new abode

  5. I have my "lovely son" moments nursemyra. I also have the occasional wretched, inconsiderate, selfish, offspring moments too but I'm working on it.
