23 March 2010

The Not So Hairy Hunter

Enviro bag over a shoulder
I stroll down a prince of a highway
seeking a delicious dinner
for a price I'm willing to pay

The walk will do me good
I tell myself
A junkie for a flat stomach
That I don't even think I want

The air suddenly turns frigid and unbreathable
As I walk through the automatic doors
Dreams of luxury are offered
If only I'd swipe my card

Deep fried furniture
Leather lined limes
Shaving shoes
Everything a man doesn't need

I buy bread
To protest the blatant discrimination
Against the innocent carbohydrate
And because I like the taste

A small bag of crisps
my guilty pleasure
I am a savoury slut
Insatiably so

The man needs meat though
Beef, stripped for stir fry
Frozen veges ready to go
And a sauce of suitable sustanence

I pay and attempt to leave
But the luxury on offer
keeps trying to grab me
And haul me back

Pink iced hot dogs
Personalised corkscrews
Mobile phones that double as stun guns

Exit through the automatic doors
The air turns from frigid to balmy
And I can breathe again
Back in the real world.


  1. My local Thai takeaway sneaks some tofu in regularly. I find it too delicious to protest in these instances.

    But when I'm cooking, there is no place for tofu.

  2. Mmmm, deep-fried furniture. The sterile airlessness of the local supramarket (or submarket) is palpably clammy and claustro.

  3. Indeed Mitzi... trapped in aisles waiting to pay, being visually assaulted by chocolate and trashy magazines. I don't fear hell, I've already been there for some loo paper.

  4. Hell is those people who sing. Or the guy who was a) way too close to me when I was looking at chicken, b) muttering about dates (as in when does this chicken need to be used by) and who knows what. I couldn't get away fast enough.

  5. Unnerving Shelley, invasion of personal space is simply not on. No invitation, no entry.

  6. Where on earth are you doing your shopping? Not Coles.....

  7. If you meant me, nursie, it was Woolies at Marrickville Metro. Want a nice suit with personal space issues? I know when he shops...
