22 November 2009

The Hands that Built the Blog

As suggested in a previous post, may I present my hands. The first image is called "The Right to Reality", the second "The Left to Life".


  1. Yelp of delight, virtually impossible to spell! I think I'll just go with "A+". But the key to me is more symbolic of truth/outside transparency (reality) and the padlock (secrets) to "lies" ... superb nonetheless, bravo, bravo, more! One wonders where some artistics objectification may take us!

  2. Wonderful interpretation. I particularly like the symbolism of the padlock to that of secrets/lies. I find that very interesting.

    I deliberately didn't include a personal interpretation of the images in the hope that someone else would (so thankyou). Once they are in the public domain it is up to the viewer to interpret as they wish.

    But just for interest sake, my thinking goes like this:

    Being right handed, "the reality" represents the more dominant aspects of my life. The chain is restriction and control. The padlock is a focus holding the restriction and control in place, but only seemingly. In fact, it can be seen that much of the chain is actually being held onto by myself and the thumb is actually free. So I'm trying to show that restriction and control is actually something we chose, and one can break free of it if they really wanted to. But perhaps many people (including myself at times) don't realise they can.

    "The life" is suggesting an option to free oneself from the restriction and control. My left hand is open and calm which is a necessary mindset. The key can unlock the false padlock, but as indicated by the purple/reddish marks on the hand, its use could cause some pain/bruising/discomfort/scarring.

    I'm not sure what's next, but I have my thinking shoes on.

  3. Um, melting cheese and chocolate fondue. Anything less culinary would be purely cerebrally porographic in verbal terms of response. Camembert! Left in the warm sun in a puddle riesssssssssling.

  4. Ah, incorporating food in this series of body part images. I think I will let that idea bake in a warm oven for 30mins and see if it rises.
